Soft Tissue Surgery:
The majority of surgery we do falls under the category of soft tissue surgery. These range from elective, scheduled surgeries, such as spays, neuters, declaws, mass removals, to soft tissue surgery that is urgent or emergency in nature, such as tumor removals, gastrointestinal surgery (don't leave socks lying around your house) to seasonal porcupine quill removals.
Emergency Surgery:
We do a fair amount of emergency surgery, such as bite wounds, abdominal surgeries, hit by cars, or quill removals. If you have an emergency during the day please call our office and we will do our best to get your pet in. On the same token, if you are here for an appointment and an emergency comes in, please be understanding.
Laser Surgery:
We offer surgery with less pain, less bleeding, and faster recovery time so your pet is back on its paws in no time. Pets often return to their normal activities faster after surgery due to the increased comfort level following laser surgery.
If you have a preference on whether your pet's surgery involves a laser or not, please mention it when making an appointment so we can schedule appropriately. There is no price difference for surgery with or without the laser.