Surgical Services
At Niagara Animal Hospital, we are equipped to provide a wide variety of surgical care, from elective surgeries like spays/neuters and declaws, to emergency surgery like hit by cars, bite wounds, and surgery on internal organs.
What to Expect
SAFETY: To make surgery as safe and successful as possible:
- All surgery patients receive an IV catheter for fluid therapy.
- All surgery patients are connected to an anesthetic monitor which will track all of their vital signs during their surgical procedure.
- Our surgeries involve a doctor and technician team, before, during, and after the procedure.
- As an added safety measure, we offer the option of pre-anesthetic bloodwork to help determine the health of your pet's internal organs prior to surgery. This allows us to tailor the anesthetic and fluid therapy specifically to your pet's needs.
COMFORT: To make our patients as comfortable as possible:
- Pets receive a sedative and pain meds prior to/during surgery.
- Extra efforts are made to ensure patients are kept warm and comfortable for a smooth recovery.
- After surgery our patients are then transferred to a recovery room where they can safely remain until they are ready to go home.
Guidelines for Surgery
- Your pet should not eat the night before surgery, however water is okay and encouraged up until the time of drop off.
- Drop off is between 7:30 AM and 8:00 AM, unless other arrangements have been made. For your convenience, pets can be dropped off the day before surgery.
- Please leave a phone number where you can be reached during the morning of surgery. You can expect to receive a phone call post-surgery, letting you know how the procedure went.
- Certain surgical procedures require an overnight stay, but most pets can go home the same day as surgery.
- Home care is an important factor in the success of any surgery. When your pet is discharged, a member of our staff will go over any specific instructions for home care following surgery.
Surgical Care We Provide
Soft Tissue Surgery:
The majority of surgery we do falls under the category of soft tissue surgery. These range from elective, scheduled surgeries, such as spays, neuters, gastropexies/stomach tacking, mass removals, to soft tissue surgery that is urgent or emergency in nature, such as tumor removals, gastrointestinal surgery (don't leave socks lying around your house) to seasonal porcupine quill removals.
Emergency Surgery:
We do a fair amount of emergency surgery, such as bite wounds, abdominal surgeries, hit by cars, or quill removals. If you have an emergency during the day please call our office and we will do our best to get your pet in. On the same token, if you are here for an appointment and an emergency comes in, please be understanding.
Cautery Surgery:
We offer cautery to help minimize bleeding and post surgery swelling. This can be critical in small animals and in areas of high blood flow. There is no price difference for surgery with or without cautery.