Niagara Animal Hospital

608 Roosevelt Rd
Niagara, WI 54151


Online Shopping -Open 24/7

What You Need to Know:


Our online store contains both Over-the-Counter items like most foods, toys, flea/tick preventatives and Prescription items like Heartgard, antibiotics, medicated shampoos, etc.

  • If your order contains all over-the-counter items, those begin processing and shipping after you place your order.
  • If your order contains a prescription item(s), our hospital needs to approve the order. We review and approve orders during normal business hours. Once we approve your order, processing begins, the order ships and your credit card is charged. If we have any issues with your order, we will call you to discuss options.

Click here to shop!

My Vet Store Banner - Click here to shop!

Looking for more information?

Here is a printable handout which covers our online store in more detail and answers some of the common questions we receive.

Online Store - FAQ